To the Person Who's in Pain and Lost

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To The Person Who’s in Pain and Lost,

Life is playful. Most of the time it doesn’t go as planned. There are things that are out of your control. Please don’t lose your drive to live and dream when faced with disappointments. I know society puts so much pressure on you, but please don’t let it control you. It’s okay to fail at times because failures make you realize the most important things in life—and when this happens, you get up, and move on as if nothing happened. Fake it until you make it. Your goal is to convince yourself and everyone else that you are self-assured and capable of moving forward, and it will happen. You will be surprised how powerful our minds are. It will be hard for sure, but nothing lasts, including pain and your situation now.

Trust His plans for you. You may not like where you are now, but I am pretty sure that you are on your way to greater things. It always pays to wait, so be patient and have faith. Do not rush things. Trust the power of time. It definitely heals all wounds. For now, just endure the pain. You will be okay. Everything will fall into place and it will all makes sense. Why you didn’t land that dream job or why you broke up. Your heartaches will then turn into life’s greatest lessons. I hope you learn from it, and never repeat it.

Smile. The world is waiting for you to bounce back. Forgive because it is the best way to move forward. Do not hold grudges. No matter how unfair and painful others did, just forgive and try your best to forget. Let karma do its job. Always be reminded that He loves you, and that matters most.


A Person Who Believes in You and Waiting for You to Bounce Back

Disclaimer: Photo not mine, CTTO


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